In the last 2 years of working as a dog behaviour professional, being a dog parent (and then losing Luchi & Mutton), fostering multiple dogs and spending a big chunk of this year really focusing on my healing,

I have come to recognise the importance of ✨ decolonising ✨ our relationship with dogs.

Yup, you read that right!

Decolonizing our relationship with dogs involves us rethinking and reimagining the ways in we interact with dogs, particularly in contexts shaped by colonial histories and structures. It requires us to question our interactions across multiple dimensions - culture, ownership and treatment of and with dogs.

As a dog parent and dog behaviour professional, I want to share with you:

💖 How beautiful our relationship with our dogs is and can be

💖 How much I healed while I was helping my dogs overcome their challenges and how we can all embrace this kind of healing,

💖 Why empathy and gentleness are building blocks of our relationship with dogs,

💖 Deep & profound musings & learning that I don’t have to squeeze into 90 seconds' videos or 20 carousel slides

I want to have these conversations more freely and, with openness, a sense of wonder and humility at what we experience with our dogs.

And I know so many dog parents who are craving for something similar, something that feels safe to explore these ideas and themes.

And so with that intention...I’m proud to announce the launch of...

UNLEASHING: a monthly membership for dog parents across the 🌎

What is the UNLEASHING membership?

It's a monthly membership for dog parents where you get access to:

❤️‍🔥 Weekly emails consisting of tips and how tos or to-dos, book recommendations, latest research (explained!), personal and client stories

❤️‍🔥 EXCLUSIVE content access including Guest interviews, podcast/sound bytes, blogs, webinars

❤️‍🔥 UNLEASHING group calls where you can ask me Qs/share success stories or challenges

Together, we'll explore how systems like colonialism and toxic corporate capitalism influence how we relate to and with our dogs.

We'll explore what it means to be have these systems coerce stories and narratives about our relationship with dogs in inauthentic, disconnecting and untrue ways.

We'll explore how we can unweave these stories and narratives and, find new ways to relate to our dogs in a way that truly honours this partnership.

Choose a Pricing Option


🙋‍♀️ How much does the membership cost?

The membership is priced at only $29/month. If you are an existing client, you get a juicy discount. And all new clients get 1 month of the membership free!

🙋‍♀️ What all is included in the membership?

​Weekly emails with tips, how tos, exclusive content on helping you build a deeper relationship with your dog delivered in your inbox every Monday; 2x a month Safe Space Community Calls to hang out wiuth like minded dog parents and me! 

🙋‍♀️ Will I be charged monthly?

​Yes, the membership will be charged on a monthly basis. 

🙋‍♀️ Can I cancel the membership later?

​Absolutely! Whenever you'd like to cancel, you can just drop me an email letting me know and I will cancel your membership. ​


✨ A space where your relationship with your dog is nurtured

✨ A space where you are not shamed or judged for feeling the good feels about your dog

✨ A space where you are held and guided to be in a safe and regulated relationship with your dog

✨ A space where you feel supported, cherished and encouraged to be your kind, empathetic, beautiful self

That's what is part of UNLEASHING !

Get access to:

❤️‍🔥 Weekly emails consisting of tips and how tos or to-dos, book recommendations, latest research (explained!), personal and client stories

❤️‍🔥 EXCLUSIVE content access including Guest interviews, podcast/sound bytes, blogs, webinars

❤️‍🔥 UNLEASHING group calls where you can ask me Qs/share success stories or challenges